During our visit to Canada we were constantly on the lookout for wildlife, both for our sakes and theirs. In Banff and Jasper National Parks, people are advised to avoid getting within 30 metres of wildlife, although this doesn't seem to stop many people from poking camera's as close as they can get. Some of the larger wildlife such as elks and particularly bears are potentially dangerous, and if they become more accustomed to people (and hence less cautious) they are likely to end up being shot for our protection. There are several types of bear in Canada, including black bears (which despite their name come in a variety of colours, including white!), polar bears (only further north than we ventured) , grizzly bears, and teddy bears....ok, scratch the last one! We only ever saw black bears which aren't as large or as dangerous compared to the famous grizzly. Our mother and cub photos were taken from a safe distance in a boat floating just off the beach - the bears come down to the water and turn over the rocks looking for food underneath.